From Sydney to Auckland, sail the Coral Sea to Moreton Island's powdery dunes, Cairn's dinosaur-like cassowaries, Papua New Guinea's incredible biodiversity and so much more.
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Note: Cruise itineraries are subject to change. Please verify ports and times directly with the cruise line.
Sydney is Australia's largest and most cosmopolitan city and is the capital of New South Wales, the most heavily populated state of Australia. Sydney is situated on one of the world's most beautiful and famous harbors. Sydney also boasts beautiful beaches, fantastic shops, restaurants, history and culture. Sydney's many highlights include the Harbors Bridge, the Opera House, Centrepoint Tower, The Rocks, the stunning harbor, and the white sands of Bondi, Manly, and beyond. Sydney is also home to beautiful National Parks, the Royal Botanic Gardens, many harborfront picnic locations, and heritage areas.
Moreton Island is a large sand island on the eastern side of Moreton Bay, on the coast of south-east Queensland, Australia. Moreton Island lies 58 kilometers (36 mi) northeast of the Queensland capital, Brisbane. The island is 95% National Park and a popular destination for four-wheel driving, camping, recreational angling, and whale watching. Together with Fraser Island, Moreton Island forms the largest sand structure in the world. The island was named by Matthew Flinders. At least five lighthouses have been built on the island. A small number of residents live in four small settlements. Tangalooma was the site of a whaling station. Access to the island is by vehicular barge or passenger ferry services. Moreton Island is a popular destination for camping and fishing.It is one of the wettest parts of the City of Brisbane with precipitation spread evenly throughout the year compared to other parts of South East Queensland. Cape Moreton receives an annual average rainfall of 1,567 mm.
Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland, is midway up the east coast of Australia - 27.5oS, 153oE. With the Gold Coast to the south and the Sunshine Coast to the north, as domestic and international airports, Brisbane is an ideal headquarters for an Australian holiday. Brisbane, indeed all of Queensland, operates on Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT. Summertime or Daylight Saving is not observed. Residents and visitors to Brisbane enjoy a wide range of landscapes and lifestyles. The inner-city, metropolitan Brisbane is surrounded by leafy, sometimes very hilly, suburbs. Further out in the suburbs, the traditional Australian house on a large block or even acreage dominates. Moreton Bay and its islands provide water sports, sailing, and seaside suburbs. The Pacific Highway leads south to the Gold Coast and its well-known surf beaches. North is the seaside town of Redcliffe, the rainforest and picturesque countryside of Pine Rivers, Caboolture, and the Glasshouse Mountains. Bribie Island offers the first surf beach to the north. The Sunshine Coast towns and hinterland are popular holiday spots. Traveling west of Brisbane, past Ipswich, you soon climb the Great Dividing Range to Toowoomba and the rich plains of the Darling Downs.
Townsville is a coastal city in northeastern Queensland, Australia. The Strand esplanade, with its pier and water park, is popular. The Reef HQ Aquarium has marine life and coral from the Great Barrier Reef, plus a sea turtle hospital. Southeast of the city, the Billabong Sanctuary wildlife park is home to koalas, wombats, and crocodiles. Offshore, Magnetic Island has coral reefs and a national park full of wildlife.
The far north of Queensland is nestled amongst the tropical background of Australia’s rare rain forests and internationally acclaimed Great Barrier Reef. Recognized for the charm and friendly hospitality of the local people, North Queensland has an array of holiday experiences and attractions to offer year-round. Cairns Far North Queensland is the perfect escape for nature lovers with spectacular National Parks abundant with amazing bird and animal life. While the more adventurous can dive the Great Barrier Reef, raft the rapids of the Baron River, or rappel down a ravine. Cairns situated on the coast is often described as the jewel of North Queensland. It is also the gateway to the magnificent natural attractions of the whole region extending from the northernmost point of Queensland out to Gulf Savannah in the west and down to Townsville another major city of North Queensland not to be missed. These two cities offer the pinnacle of dining and nightlife with a unique North Queensland flavor. Cairns has been called paradise by many because of its location, the beauty of the reef, and the spectacular scenery of the hinterland that surrounds this coastal city. In Cairns, you will discover an amazing array of cultures. Charming seafront walking paths and the new fantastic Esplanade redevelopment project add such character to this charming city. Restaurants, cafes, cosmopolitan shopping, and activities are everyday events in this bustling town. Only a short drive away you come to Cairns northern beaches which will delight anyone. This is the place to ride horses, sail, windsurf, or relax under a palm tree and watch the colors of the sky change as the sun sets. The beaches are made up of Machans, Holloways, Yorkeys Knob, Trinity, Palm Cove and Ellis Beaches. Each is a small separate township with its distinctive character. Together, the beachside towns provide much of Cairns's accommodation. From the beaches to the mountains, a day trip up to Atherton Tablelands will be spectacular where you can canoe on freshwater lakes, shop in craft stores, and view some of the majestic views across the mountains to the sea. The rainforests of the Wet Tropics have been described as a ‘living museum’ of flora and fauna and were placed on the World Heritage List in 1988. The Wet Tropics cover an area of almost 9000,000 hectares of rainforest and tropical vegetation. Previously unidentified species of birds, insects, and mammals have been discovered from within these rainforests delighting biologists and nature lovers alike. The local history, culture, and tropical lifestyle are to be truly envied and enjoyed when visiting North Queensland. There is a diverse mix of cultures and people that are proud to call this area home. The first inhabitants were the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who fished and hunted the abundant wildlife of the region, then came the Dutch navigators and Captain James Cook, who claimed the land for Britain and instrumented the settlement of European communities. The tropical climate encourages an outdoor lifestyle with the famous Queensland barbeque influencing cuisine in the tropics. Exotic fruits and spectacular seafood are also a normal way of eating when visiting or living in the North.
Alotau is the capital of the Milne Bay Province in PNG. It is a very scenic town on the north shore of the actual bay named Milne Bay. The town of Alotau is located within the area in which the invading Japanese army suffered their first land defeat in the Pacific War in 1942, before the Kokoda Trail battle. A memorial park at the old battle site commemorates this historic fact. The Milne Bay people deserve a reputation for being friendly, easy-going, and happy. The dangers warned against inother centerss are still largely unknown. The lack of a road link out of the Province probably helps maintain this situation. Getting to Alotau is easy. There are daily flights on Qantas and Air Nuigini from many destinations to Port Moresby International Airport. From Port Moresby daily flights on Air Nuigini and MBA Airlines operate to Gurney Airport near Alotau. The airport is located 12 km from town.
The Conflict Islands comprises 21 uninhabited, undeveloped, pristine, freehold islands covering a total landmass of 375 Hectares (925 acres). The Conflicts Islands Group was named after the H.M. Survey Ship “The Conflict” which first charted the islands in 1886.
Kiriwina is the largest of the Trobriand Islands, with an area of 290.5 km². It is part of the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. Most of the 12,000 people who live in the Trobriands live in Kiriwina.
Honiara is the capital city of the Solomon Islands, situated on the northwestern coast of Guadalcanal. The city is served by Honiara International Airport and the seaport of Point Cruz and lies along the Kukum Highway. As the capital of Solomon Islands, Honiara contains the majority of the major government buildings and institutions, including Honiara Lauru Land Conference, Honiara Solomon Islands College of Higher Education, International School in Honiara, University of the South Pacific Solomon Islands, Honiara Solomon Islands Ports Authority. These centers are involved in marine research in the Solomon Islands. The Dodo Creek Research Station of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands is based in Honiara. Honiara Central Market is the center of trading activity in the islands and contains many market stalls selling a wide range of goods. East of the mouth of the Mataniko River is the beach where, in the shallow waters of the sea, the wrecks of a Japanese ship destroyed on 23 October 1942 by American artillery and small arms can be seen. At the back of the beach, there is a settlement called the Lord Howe Settlement, consisting of a large community of Polynesians from Ongtong Java in the Western provinces. Chinatown, with its high porches, is said to look like an "Asian Wild West".The present trend in dancing among the youth of the Islands and in Honiara also is freestyle dancing, which has become integral to the nightlife and entertainment scene. These dances bear no resemblance to the traditional dance forms of the Solomon Islands, and are copied from the films You Got Served, the Step Up franchise, and Stomp the Yard. Panpipe performances are held at the Mendana Hotel in Honiara every week. The famous Panpipe band is the Narasirato from Are'are in south Maleta. The Mao dancers from Kawara'ae, the Wasi Ka Nanara Pan Pipers, Tamure dancing, and the Batikama Adventist bamboo band are other well-known groups. Gilbertese dancing is also popular along with Panpipe music groups. Most of these dances are performed in many leading hotels in Honiara.
Luganville is the second largest city in Vanuatu. Its population is 16,312.The city is called Santo by people from Vanuatu's northern islands, who use Luganville as their big city. It is called Kanal (from French Second Canal) by rural residents of the large island of Espiritu Santo.
Port Vila is the capital and largest city of Vanuatu and is on the island of Efate.Its population in the last census (2009) was 44,040,[1] an increase of 35% from the previous census result (29,356 in 1999). In 2009, the population of Port Vila formed 18.8% of the country's population, and 66.9% of the population of Efate.
Aneityum, also known as the Mystery Island, is the southernmost inhabited island in the Vanuatu archipelago. As with all the major islands throughout Vanuatu, its origins are volcanic and the landscape is mountainous. Rich volcanic soils and a slightly more temperate climate encouraged the growth of magnificent stands of sandalwood trees.
Lautoka is 24km up the coast from Nadi Airport. Many tourists only get there because it’s the departure point for Blue Lagoon Cruises and some of the Mamanuca and Yasawa islands. It’s a nice harborfront town with duty-free shopping and markets but not exactly a holiday destination. Lautoka is known as the ‘Sugar City’ because of its mill and wharf access. The annual Sugar Festival is in September. Incidentally, the name ‘Lautoka’ comes from a legend that two local chiefs were fighting on Farquhar’s Point - one chief found himself on the receiving end of a spear and screamed Lautokaa’, which means literally, ‘spear-hit’.
Almost any time of the year is an excellent time to visit Suva. There are so many things happening. Suva, the capital city of Fiji, the thumb of the Pacific, is the place of many happenings. For tourists, the day begins at about 6 pm. Before this, it's best to laze around a swimming pool with a cocktail or go walking or shopping around the city. Suva comes alive at night. This is when live local bands or current overseas hit songs fill the air. Suva has about 25 bars/nightclubs and all are walking distance from each other to make for an ideal pub-crawling night. Suva is a city of colors. While neon lights from the nightclubs brighten the nights, the people of Suva brighten up the day. Suva is a city with rich and diverse cultures. It has a multiracial population mix comprised mainly of Fijians, Indians, Europeans, Chinese, and South Pacific Islanders. People are friendly and always willing to help with directions. So if you are lost, don't hesitate to ask. The locals will help with a smile. There are lots of things to do, see and buy. There are many churches, temples, mosques, bush walks, and gardens. Suva has a botanical garden at the eastern end of town. This is also where the Fiji Museum is located. Next to these is the home of the President of the Republic of Fiji.
Dravuni is located in the northern part of the reef at S 18 48' and E 178 36'. Approximately 125 persons live in a single village on this 200-acre island. Because the reefs provide a major part of their sustenance, the chiefs have guarded them well and wish to see them studied and preserved. Only four of the islands within this reef are inhabited. Both the Great Astrolabe and the North Astrolabe Reefs offer a broad variety of habitats. Lagoon depths range from very shallow to 40 meters and include rock, sand/sediment, and seagrass areas, as well as coral seamounts. Dense coral growth edges the windward sides of the smaller islands within the reef. Rich underwater seagrass beds flourish off the leeward coast of Dravuni and some of the other islands. Transportation to the island is provided by an inter-island ferry, the Bulouniceva, which departs Suva on Wednesday and Sunday, makes a round trip to the Kadavu group with Dravuni as the last stop, and returns on Friday and Tuesday respectively. Workboats may be made available through the MSP, although advanced bookings are necessary. A boat may also be hired from the village, with a boatman. Charges for using the field station facility depend upon the support needed.
Vava'u is the island chain of one large island and 40 smaller ones in Tonga. According to tradition Maui fished both Tongatapu and Vava'u but put a little more effort into the former. Vava'u rises 204 m above sea level. The capital is Neiafu, which is the second largest city in Tonga, situated at one of the best harbors in the world, the Port of Refuge.Vava'u is a prime fishing destination with its beautiful harbor and untouched seas.The Vava'u group measures about 21 km from east to west and 25 km from north to south. Vava'u had 15,485 inhabitants at the 2006 census total of 121 km². 3,900 lived in the capital Neiafu. The main island of Vava'u is 89.74 km², the second largest island in Tonga.Vava'u is a coral reef with superior oblique in the north up to 200 m high cliffs. On the south side of the island g, roup is dissolved into many small islands and waterways. The largest of these waterways, the fjord-like Ava Pulepulekai channel extends 11 km inland from the harbor of Neiafu, the capital. The Vava'u island is a raised platform of coral cliffs on the north coast and a low and irregular coastline south that opens in a complex network of channels, bays, and islands forming one of the best protected natural harbors in the Pacific.Vava'u is also home to the 'Ene'io Botanical Gardens, Tonga's only botanical garden.
Nuku'alofa is the capital of Tonga. It is located on the north coast of the island of Tongatapu, in the southernmost island group of Tonga.
The Bay of Islands is the finest Maritime Park in New Zealand with 144 islands, secluded bays, and an abundance of marine life. It is the cradle of European civilization in New Zealand and has fine examples of Maori culture for you to experience. The scenery is nothing short of spectacular and can only be fully appreciated by cruising through the area. The area is the warmest part of New Zealand. The Maritime Park is a natural wonderland with an abundance of wildlife including marlin, whales, penguins, dolphins, gannets, and many other species. The towns of Paihia and picturesque Russell are perfect places to wander amongst the many shops and restaurants along the waterfront. There are endless activities too - fishing, forest and beach walks, all kinds of water sports, and great golf courses. The Bay is the perfect base from which to explore further North. See the magnificent Kauri forests, Cape Reinga - the top of New Zealand, 90 Mile Beach, and the craft shops of Kerikeri.
Tauranga is located at the western end of the Bay of Plenty, on the North Island’s central eastern coast. It is built around Tauranga Harbour, a busy port, and the surrounding region is a fertile fruit-growing district. It is sheltered to the west by the Kaimai Ranges and to the east by Matakana Island.
Historically, Tauranga was a base for missionaries and the flax trade. The city is also home to Gate Pa, the site of a historic battle between local Maori and European settlers. Artillery and earthworks can still be seen at the site. Today, Tauranga’s warm climate and coastal location make the city a popular location to live, and it is the country’s fastest-growing center. Its major attractions are boating, surfing, and fishing, and a host of other activities such as water skiing, diving,g, and windsurfing. The city also has some interesting historical buildings and attractions, such as the Tauranga Historic Village/Museum.
Nearby Mt Maunganui is built on a long sandy peninsula and can be reached by the harbor bridge or via the coast road. It is a popular resort with a long sandy beach and fine surfing. At the tip of the peninsula is Mt Maunganui itself. This bush-clad hill has several walking tracks and excellent views of the area.
Auckland is New Zealand's largest city, with a population of just under 382,000 within the city boundary and 1.18 million in the greater Auckland area. This represents about one-third of the population of the whole country. The city and suburbs cover an area of 60 square kilometers, with many of the suburbs having their unique character. The city is built on a narrow isthmus between two harbors, the Waitemata to the East and the Manukau to the West. Water sports are a pastime enjoyed by a large number of Aucklanders and the city enjoys the reputation as being known as the 'City of Sails' due to the number of yachts that sail in the haharborsnd the adjoining Hauraki Gulf.
Named for the Northern compass point, Noordam features museum-quality art such as an oil painting of the city of Utrecht painted in 1842, as well as contemporary art like the series of photographs of music greats Dizzy Gillespie and B.B. King. Noordam guests enjoy dazzling entertainment options from their very first night on board, including B.B. King’s Blues Club. Enjoy exciting activities like cooking shows and hands-on workshops that allow you to pursue new interests or simply relax and rejuvenate.
Vista Lounge
Greenhouse Spa
The Dining Room
The Dining Room: For breakfast, lunch or an unforgettable five-course dinner, the elegant main Dining Room is your destination for sophisticated dining, with menu selections from classic favorites to vegetarian options, to dishes inspired by the regions you’ll visit. Menus by Holland America Line's Culinary Council® of world-renowned chefs.
Pinnacle Grill
Pinnacle Grill: Enjoy dishes inspired by America’s Pacific Northwest, such as king salmon from Alaska and choice, responsibly raised beef from Washington State’s Double R Ranch. Complement your meal with a selection of boutique wines from the Pacific Northwest and other celebrated vineyards from around the world. This restaurant is available for an additional cost.
Canaletto: This authentic Italian restaurant offers a menu that celebrates spartire (Italian for "sharing"). Try Braised Chicken Cacciatore "al Forno", Branzino ai Ferri or a classic Italian pasta: spaghetti pomodoro or garlic shrimp-infused ravioli, perhaps. Buon appetito! This restaurant is available for an additional cost.
Lido Market
Lido Market: Lido Market provides a fresh, new approach to casual dining for breakfast, lunch or dinner, with a panoramic view of the sea. A modern marketplace with different themed stations, the Lido offers a curated selection of delicious options to grab on the go or to have quickly made to order.
Dive-In: Dive in to a grilled burger on brioche or a Nathan’s Famous gourmet hot dog. For alfresco dining by the pool, Dive-In has it all, including lighter fare like the grilled chicken breast sandwich and vegetarian-friendly portabella mushroom stack.
Explorations Café: A comfortable, coffeehouse environment offering espresso drinks and pastries. This restaurant is available for an additional cost.
Room Service: Complimentary 24-hour dining in the comfort of your stateroom.
Staterooms feature premium massage showerheads, fine linens and fresh fruit upon request.
Category: N
Category: MM
Category: M
Category: L
Category: K
Category: J
Category: I
Elegant staterooms feature luxurious bedding, premium massage showerheads, a porthole or a window and fresh fruit upon request.
Category: HH
Category: H
Category: G
Category: F
Category: E
Category: DD
Category: D
Category: C
Spacious staterooms have a private balcony, whirlpool bath with shower and walk-in closet.
Category: VH
Category: VF
Category: VE
Category: VD
Category: VC
Category: VB
Category: VA
Luxurious suites feature a whirlpool bath, large sitting area, private balcony, floor-to-ceiling windows and more. Select suites feature a dressing room.
Category: SC
Category: SB
Category: SA
Category: PS
Symbol | Description |
![]() | Triple (2 lower beds, 1 sofa bed) |
![]() | Quad (2 lower beds, 1 sofa bed, 1 upper) |
![]() | Partial sea view |
![]() | Fully obstructed view |
![]() | Shower only |
![]() | Single sink vanity |
![]() | Staterooms have solid steel verandah railings instead of clear-view Plexiglas railings |
![]() | Suites SC6175 and SC6164 are fully accessible, bathtub and roll-in shower; Suite SS6108 and staterooms I8037, VB6004, VB6003, D1100, C1082, C1081, J1074, K1012, and K1011 are fully accessible, roll-in shower only |
![]() | Suites SY8068, SY5002, and SY5001 are fully accessible with single side approach to the bed, bathtub, and roll-in shower |
![]() | Staterooms VA8032, VA8031, VA6049, VA5140, VA5137, VA5054, VA5051, VA4132, VA4131, H4090, H4089, VA4052, and VA4051 are ambulatory accessible, roll-in shower only |
*Price shown is per person based on double occupancy and is valid for select stateroom categories only. Click on the Terms & Conditions link below for details.
†One Digital Costco Shop Card per room/stateroom, per stay. The exact amount of the Digital Costco Shop Card will be calculated during the booking process. The Digital Costco Shop Card promotion is nontransferable and may not be combined with any other promotion. A Digital Costco Shop Card will arrive by email approximately 10 days after the start of your cruise. Click on the Terms & Conditions link below for additional information.
Ship's registry: The Netherlands
This booking includes a Digital Costco Shop Card which will arrive by email one to two weeks after you return from your vacation. The Digital Costco Shop Card is a convenient payment option in our warehouses and on Costco.ca.
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